Notification Appliances
Smart ways t alert and guide people in an emergency.
Notification that helps save lives.

Self-Testing Capability
With TrueAlert ES, building owners and managers can test all of their notification appliances in seconds. They can test when and how it’s most convenient for them, and they can reduce disruption and eliminate costly, after-hours manual testing.
Application Versatility
TrueAlert ES notification products are suited to handle virtually any application. They include multi-tone appliances that meet NFPA 72 requirements for low-frequency notification in certain environments.
Compact Design and Greater Energy Efficiency
Thanks to LED technology, TrueAlert ES 5900 series appliances are smaller, more energy efficient, and less obtrusive than others.
Meet Pulse Width Requirements
TrueAlert ES 5900 Series appliances are the first LED appliances in the industry to meet NFPA 72 2016 edition notification appliance pulse width requirements. LEDs and strobes can be mixed on the same network.